LeBron James和Stephen Curry合队参加美国队 在巴黎奥运会上赢得金牌 LeBron James and Stephen Curry teamed up for Team USA, winning gold at the Paris Olympics.
LeBron James和Stephen Curry最近为美国队联手, 在巴黎奥运会上获得金牌。 LeBron James and Stephen Curry recently played together for Team USA, leading to a gold medal at the Paris Olympics. James把经验称为“一切和更多”, 但两个球员仍致力于各自的球队,湖人队和勇士队。 James called the experience "everything and more," but both players remain committed to their respective teams, the Lakers and Warriors. James承认再次合作的不确定性,但他对Curry对篮球和社区的影响深表钦佩。 While James acknowledged the uncertainty of teaming up again, he expressed deep admiration for Curry's impact on basketball and the community. 湖人队和勇士队即将在赛季前的比赛中相会 The Lakers and Warriors will meet in preseason games soon.