现代摩比斯与斯洛伐克政府签署了 170M 欧元的协议,用于诺瓦基的电动汽车零件工厂。 Hyundai Mobis signs €170M deal with Slovak government for electric car parts plant in Novaky.
现代Mobis与斯洛伐克政府签署了一项协议,在斯洛伐克诺瓦基建立一个电动汽车零件厂,投资超过1.7亿欧元(1.85亿美元)。 Hyundai Mobis has signed an agreement with the Slovak government to establish an electric car parts plant in Novaky, Slovakia, with an investment exceeding €170 million ($185 million). 斯洛伐克政府将提供2,600万欧元(2,800万美元)的奖励,以支持旨在协助该地区从煤炭过渡的项目。 The Slovak government will provide €26 million ($28 million) in incentives to support the project, aimed at aiding the region's transition from coal. 斯洛伐克是世界上人均最大的汽车制造商,拥有大型汽车制造商,包括大众汽车和Kia,Volvo计划很快建造一座新的电厂。 Slovakia, the world's largest carmaker per capita, hosts major automotive manufacturers, including Volkswagen and Kia, with Volvo planning a new electric plant soon.