HTX和TradingView伙伴将简化加密货币交易服务一体化。 HTX and TradingView partner to integrate services for streamlined cryptocurrency trading.
HTX和TradingView合作,通过将HTX的服务与TradingView的中间商特征结合起来,加强加密货币交易。 HTX and TradingView have teamed up to enhance cryptocurrency trading by integrating HTX's services with TradingView's Broker feature. 这种伙伴关系使用户能够直接在贸易展望上进行贸易,简化程序,不设转换平台。 This partnership allows users to trade directly on TradingView, streamlining the process without switching platforms. 通过将TradingView的市场分析能力与HTX的贸易功能结合起来,合作的目的是提高效率,为全球加密货币投资者提供无缝的贸易经验。 By combining TradingView's market analysis capabilities with HTX's trading functionalities, the collaboration aims to improve efficiency and provide a seamless trading experience for global cryptocurrency investors.