Garrett Cockfield以火器在达林顿县被捕,被指控为持有和持有毒品的重罪犯。 Convicted felon Garrett Cockfield arrested in Darlington County with firearm, charged as felon in possession and drug possession.
Garrett Trevaun Cockfield是一名被定罪的重罪犯,在调查Hunter Drive最近发生枪击事件期间,在达林顿县被捕。 Garrett Trevaun Cockfield, a convicted felon, was arrested in Darlington County during an investigation into recent gunfire on Hunter Drive. 在议员听到枪声后,他们逮捕了Cockfield,当时他丢下武器,取回一把Glock手枪和弹药。 After deputies heard shots, they apprehended Cockfield as he discarded a weapon, recovering a Glock pistol and ammunition. 他被控作为重罪犯持有火器和拥有受管制物质。 He faces charges for firearm possession as a felon and possession of controlled substances. 科克菲尔德被关进了 W. Glenn Campbell 拘留中心,并以 4,000 美元的保释金获释。 Cockfield was booked into the W. Glenn Campbell Detention Center and released on a $4,000 bond.