加拿大艺术家 PartyNextDoor 和 Drake 正在敲定一张备受期待的合作专辑。 Canadian artists PartyNextDoor and Drake are finalizing a highly anticipated collaborative album.
加拿大艺术家 PartyNextDoor 和 Drake 正在敲定一张备受期待的合作专辑,被 PND 描述为“经典”。 Canadian artists PartyNextDoor and Drake are finalizing a highly anticipated collaborative album, described as a "classic" by PND. 在最近的一次电台露面中,他证实这些节目已接近完成。 During a recent radio appearance, he confirmed they are nearing completion. 德雷克在演唱会上暗示将在秋季发行, 暗示它会在"天气变得有点冷"时下架. Drake hinted at a fall release during a concert, suggesting it would drop "when it gets a little chilly." 官方日期尚未确定,但粉丝们很兴奋,尤其是当 Drake 寻求重返 Billboard Hot 100 时。 No official date has been set, but fans are excited, especially as Drake seeks to return to the Billboard Hot 100.