Bel Fuse公司任命Umasankar Pingali为全球销售和推销主管。 Bel Fuse Inc. appoints Umasankar Pingali as Global Head of Sales and Marketing.
Bel Fuse公司已任命Umasankar (“Uma”) Pingali (“Uma”)为其全球销售和推销负责人。 Bel Fuse Inc. has appointed Umasankar ("Uma") Pingali as its Global Head of Sales and Marketing. Uma在电子行业工作30多年后,将加强Bel的销售和营销战略,特别是利用他从收购中整合团队的经验。 With over 30 years in the electronics sector, Uma will enhance Bel's sales and marketing strategies, particularly leveraging his experience in integrating teams from acquisitions. 此前,他曾是Farnell全球销售部总裁,负责监督一个16亿美元的销售组织。 Previously, he was President of Global Sales at Farnell, overseeing a $1.6 billion sales organization. Bel Fuse 为各种电子行业设计和销售产品。 Bel Fuse designs and markets products for various electronic industries.