21 岁的 Suhana Khan 是 Shah Rukh Khan 的女儿,她在社交媒体上分享了她的锻炼计划。 21-year-old Suhana Khan, daughter of Shah Rukh Khan, shares her workout routine on social media.
宝莱坞女演员苏哈娜·汗 (Suhana Khan) 因在《The Archies》中的角色而闻名,她在社交媒体上分享了她严格的锻炼程序,其中包括引体向上、俯卧撑和硬拉等练习。 Bollywood actress Suhana Khan, known for her role in "The Archies," has shared her rigorous workout routine on social media, featuring exercises like pull-ups, push-ups, and deadlifts. 她的健身之旅在视频中展示,旨在激励球迷。 Her fitness journey, showcased in a viral video, aims to inspire fans. 她是超级明星沙鲁克汗的女儿, 很快将与他一起出演电影"国王", 预计今年晚些时候开始制作, At 21, she is the daughter of superstar Shah Rukh Khan and will soon star in the film "King," alongside him, with production expected to begin later this year and a potential release in 2025.