Vodafone 卡塔尔与HMC和Msheireb合作,开展献血运动,应对对稀有血型日益增加的需求。 Vodafone Qatar partners with HMC and Msheireb for a blood donation drive addressing increasing demand for rare blood groups.
Vodafone 卡塔尔与哈马德医疗公司和Msheireb Properation公司合作,举办了献血活动,卡塔尔慈善组织等各种组织参与了这项活动。 Vodafone Qatar held a blood donation drive in partnership with Hamad Medical Corporation and Msheireb Properties, engaging various organizations including Qatar Charity. 这次活动旨在解决手术和医疗紧急情况对血液,特别是稀有群体的血液需求日益增加的问题。 The event aimed to address the increasing demand for blood, especially from rare groups, for surgeries and medical emergencies. 医疗人员评估了捐赠者资格, 沃达丰公司的企业社会责任负责人强调了公司致力于通过社会倡议支持卡塔尔社区. Medical staff evaluated donor eligibility, while Vodafone's CSR head emphasized the company's commitment to supporting the Qatari community through social initiatives.