联合王国政府就采用USB-C作为电子设备的标准收费方法进行磋商。 UK government consults on adopting USB-C as standard charging method for electronic devices.
联合王国政府正在寻求关于可能采用USB-C作为电子设备标准收费方法的投入。 The UK government is seeking input on potentially adopting USB-C as the standard charging method for electronic devices. 这次协商由产品安全和标准办公室组织,遵循欧盟和印度旨在减少电子废物的类似举措。 This consultation, organized by the Office for Product Safety and Standards, follows similar initiatives in the EU and India aimed at reducing electronic waste. 协商将持续10月9日至12月4日,并邀请行业利益攸关方反馈,探讨统一收费办法的影响和实用性。 The consultation will last from October 9 to December 4 and invites feedback from industry stakeholders, exploring the implications and practicality of a unified charging solution.