从10月15日起,西雅图根据需求变化调整季节性街道停车率。 Starting October 15, Seattle adjusts seasonal street parking rates based on demand changes.
从10月15日起,西雅图将调整其季节性街道停车率,以应对需求变化。 Starting October 15, Seattle will adjust its seasonal street parking rates, responding to demand changes. 有些价格将上涨,特别是在高需求地区,而另一些价格则将在有更多供应的地方下跌。 Some prices will rise, particularly in high-demand areas, while others will fall in locations with more availability. 例如,15th Avenue East 的房价将上涨 50 美分,而 Capitol Hill South 的某些晚间房价将降低 50 美分。 For example, rates on 15th Avenue East will increase by 50 cents, while certain evening rates in Capitol Hill South will decrease by 50 cents. 司机应访问西雅图交通部网站了解详细费率信息。 Drivers should visit the Seattle Department of Transportation’s website for detailed rate information.