北约组织在紧张局势中进行斯特亚法斯特午间核演习,引起克里姆林宫的批评。 NATO conducts Steadfast Noon nuclear exercise amid tensions, drawing Kremlin's criticism.
北约已开始每年在斯特拉德法斯特中午进行核演习,涉及西欧八个空军基地的2 000多人和60架飞机。 NATO has begun its annual nuclear exercise, Steadfast Noon, involving over 2,000 personnel and 60 aircraft across eight airbases in Western Europe. 克里姆林宫发言人德米特里·佩斯科夫批评这次演习, 声称这会加剧乌克兰冲突的紧张局势. Kremlin Spokesperson Dmitry Peskov criticized the drills, claiming they heighten tensions amid the Ukraine conflict. 他强调需要讨论核军备裁减问题,但认为由于西方核大国参与乌克兰事务,讨论具有挑战性。 He emphasized the need for nuclear arms reduction discussions but finds them challenging due to Western nuclear powers' involvement in Ukraine. 演习旨在肯定北约的核威慑能力。 The exercise aims to affirm NATO's nuclear deterrent capabilities.