金融专家马丁·刘易斯 (Martin Lewis) 警告不要强制直接借记汽车保险,因为一些公司收取高达 40% 的年利率。 Financial expert Martin Lewis warns against mandatory direct debits for car insurance, as some firms charge up to 40% APR.
金融专家马丁·刘易斯 (Martin Lewis) 提醒司机不要强制直接扣款汽车保险,并指出一些公司收取高达 40% 的年利率,超过了典型的信用卡费率。 Financial expert Martin Lewis cautions drivers against mandatory direct debits for car insurance, noting that some firms charge up to 40% APR, exceeding typical credit card rates. 虽然联合王国的平均汽车保险费已降至861英镑,但建议司机避免自动续保,为更好的交易而购物,并考虑增加有名的司机或安全措施,以降低费用。 While the average UK car insurance premium has dropped to £861, drivers are advised to avoid automatic renewals, shop around for better deals, and consider adding named drivers or security measures to lower costs. 年轻司机的保险费继续大幅增加。 Younger drivers continue to face significantly higher premiums.