2014年在瑞士日内瓦湖发现侵袭的Quagga 贝贝,威胁到野生生物和渔业,需要制定可能的船舶清洁条例。 2014-discovered invasive Quagga mussels in Lake Geneva, Switzerland, threaten wildlife and fisheries, requiring potential boat cleaning regulations.
Quagga 贝贝是2014年在瑞士首次发现的入侵物种,它殖民了几个湖泊,包括日内瓦湖。 Quagga mussels, an invasive species first identified in Switzerland in 2014, have colonized several lakes, including Lake Geneva. 在今后二十年中,其人口可能增长20倍,消耗大量浮游植物,扰乱食物链,威胁当地野生动物和渔业。 Their population could increase up to 20 times in the next two decades, threatening local wildlife and fisheries by consuming large amounts of phytoplankton, disrupting the food chain. 当局正在考虑制定新的清扫船只条例,以进一步减少污染,因为邻国也发现了贝类。 Authorities are contemplating new regulations for boat cleaning to mitigate further spread, as the mussels have also been detected in neighboring countries.