布伦丹·奥卡罗尔为种族主义言论道歉,BBC调查,暂时暂停"布朗夫人的男孩"的排练,然后在调查后恢复生产. Brendan O'Carroll apologizes for a racist remark, BBC investigates, temporarily suspends "Mrs. Brown's Boys" rehearsals, and then resumes production after the inquiry.
Brendan O'Carroll是“布朗夫人的男孩们”的明星和创作者, 他为在圣诞特别节目的彩排中发表的种族主义言论道歉, 促使英国广播公司调查导致彩排暂停。 Brendan O'Carroll, star and creator of "Mrs Brown's Boys," has apologized for a racist remark made during a rehearsal for the show's Christmas special, prompting a BBC investigation that led to a temporary suspension of rehearsals. 调查结束后,生产恢复。 Following the inquiry's conclusion, production has resumed. 英国广播公司重申其反对种族主义的立场,强调致力于解决这些问题。 The BBC reiterated its stance against racism, emphasizing its commitment to addressing such issues. 这起事件加剧了广播公司最近争议。 This incident adds to the broadcaster's recent controversies.