24岁的妇女因在英格兰奥尔德姆发生车祸后忽视儿童和吸毒后驾车而被捕。 24-year-old woman arrested for child neglect and drug driving after car accident in Oldham, England.
10月13日凌晨5时30分左右, 在英国奥尔德姆被推翻的一辆车后,一名24岁的妇女因忽视儿童和吸毒而被捕。 A 24-year-old woman was arrested for child neglect and drug driving after a car she was in overturned in Oldham, England, around 5:30 a.m. on October 13. 这名妇女、一名儿童和一名男性乘客逃离现场,但后来没有受伤。 The woman, a child, and a male passenger fled the scene but were later located unharmed. 没有关于严重受伤的报告。 No serious injuries were reported. 大曼彻斯特警方正在调查这一事件,并正在寻找证人或任何有录像的人协助调查。 Greater Manchester Police are investigating the incident and are seeking witnesses or anyone with footage to assist in their inquiries.