21岁的Ty'heim James被控在南卡罗来纳州Sumter警察寻找的一处被占住宅和一辆过往车辆上开枪射击。 21-year-old Ty'heim James, accused of shooting at an occupied home and a passing vehicle, sought by Sumter Police in South Carolina.
南卡罗来纳州苏姆特警察局正在搜寻21岁的Ty'heim Anthony James, 据称他于10月9日向Robney车道上的一处被占住宅开枪。 The Sumter Police Department in South Carolina is searching for 21-year-old Ty'heim Anthony James, who allegedly fired shots into an occupied home on Robney Drive on October 9th. 事件涉及向一辆过往车辆开枪,随后以附近一栋房屋为目标,里面有成人和儿童。 The incident involved shooting at a passing vehicle and subsequently targeting a nearby house with adults and children inside. 未报告有人受伤,但财产受损。 No injuries were reported, but property was damaged. 最高可获5 000美元的奖励,用于提供导致他被捕的信息。 A reward of up to $5,000 is offered for information leading to his arrest.