38岁的Lee Gilley被控在休斯顿对怀孕妻子的勒死中犯有谋杀罪,保释被驳回。 38-year-old Lee Gilley charged with capital murder in pregnant wife's strangulation in Houston, bail denied.
Lee Mongerson Gilley, 38, 被控在休斯敦家中杀害其怀孕妻子Christa Gilley, 也是38岁, Lee Mongerson Gilley, 38, has been charged with capital murder in the death of his pregnant wife, Christa Gilley, also 38, in their Houston home. 最初声称她死亡是自杀,验尸结果显示她被勒死。 Initially claiming her death was a suicide, autopsy results revealed she was strangled. Christa怀孕8周,Gilley的保释请求被驳回。 Christa was eight weeks pregnant, and Gilley's request for bail was denied. 由于此案正由第497州地区法院审理,他仍被关押在Harris县监狱。 He remains in custody at Harris County Jail as the case proceeds in the 497th State District Court.