Witney Mayor 于 10 月 1 日为主题独轮车创作颁发 Schools in Bloom 奖。 Witney Mayor awards Schools in Bloom prizes for themed wheelbarrow creations on October 1st.
10月1日, Witney Mayor Cllr Owen Collins向牛津郡Witney的当地小学颁发Bloom学校奖。 Witney Mayor Cllr Owen Collins awarded the Schools in Bloom prizes to local primary schools in Witney, Oxfordshire, on October 1st. 该倡议是 Witney in Bloom 的一部分,涉及学校为护理院制作主题手推车。 The initiative, part of Witney in Bloom, involved schools creating themed wheelbarrows for care homes. 7月的嘉年华期间,共投票670多票。 Over 670 votes were cast during the July carnival. Our Lady of Lourdes 获得了人民选择奖,Springfield 小学获得了 Witney Rotary Club 奖,Emma 女王的无塑料手推车给市长留下了深刻印象。 Our Lady of Lourdes won the People's Choice award, Springfield Primary received the Witney Rotary Club prize, and Queen Emma's plastic-free barrow impressed the Mayor.