马来拉姆演员Siddique面临强奸调查后, 一位年轻的女演员指控他性侵犯. Malayalam actor Siddique faces rape investigation after a young actress accused him of sexual assault.
马拉雅拉姆语演员 Siddique 因强奸罪接受调查,此前一名年轻女演员指控他在特里凡得琅的一家酒店进行性侵犯。 Malayalam actor Siddique is under investigation for rape after a young actress accused him of sexual assault in a Thiruvananthapuram hotel. 根据《印度刑法》第376和506条,他面临指控。 He faces charges under Sections 376 and 506 of the Indian Penal Code. 这次调查是在K Hema法官委员会的报告强调该行业性骚扰之后进行的。 This inquiry follows the Justice K Hema Committee report highlighting sexual harassment in the industry. Siddique否认这些指控,并获得临时保护,不被逮捕,尽管他可能因不配合调查而被捕。 Siddique has denied the allegations and received interim protection from arrest, though he risks arrest for non-cooperation with the investigation.