肯尼亚的卡拉蒂纳市场先驱废物管理,自2022年以来,日常废物收集量从3吨减少到1-2吨。 Kenya's Karatina Market pioneers waste management, reducing daily waste collection from 3 to 1-2 tonnes since 2022.
肯尼亚Nyeri县的Karatina市场通过分类和回收固体废物,开创了废物管理。 Karatina Market in Nyeri County, Kenya, is pioneering waste management by sorting and recycling solid waste. 该小组由Samuel Mutua牵头,将有机废物加工成堆肥和沼气,同时处理不可生物降解的材料。 Led by Samuel Mutua, the team processes organic waste into compost and biogas while disposing of non-biodegradable materials. 自2022年以来,由于教育努力,日常废物收集量从3吨降至1吨或2吨。 Since 2022, daily waste collection has dropped from three tonnes to one or two due to educational efforts. 尽管取得了进展,但在说服贸易商采用废物分类和有机肥料方面仍然存在挑战。 Despite progress, challenges persist in convincing traders to adopt waste sorting and organic fertilizers. 目前正在为更多的回收中心制定扩大计划。 Expansion plans for more recycling centers are underway.