中国6,700公顷的戈壁沙漠在20多年中变成葡萄园,改善了当地农民的生计。 6,700 hectares of Gobi Desert in China turned into vineyards over 20 years, improving local farmers' livelihoods.
在中国新疆延基,近6 700公顷的戈壁沙漠在过去20年中变成了葡萄园,为葡萄酒种植创造了有利条件。 In Yanqi, Xinjiang, China, nearly 6,700 hectares of the Gobi Desert have been transformed into vineyards over the past 20 years, creating favorable conditions for wine grape cultivation. 这一举措通过提供就业机会和增加收入,大大改善了当地农民的生计。 This initiative has significantly improved the livelihoods of local farmers by providing job opportunities and boosting income. 葡萄园利用智能农业技术,提高了葡萄的质量和效率,展示了农业转型的成功模式。 Utilizing smart agricultural technologies, the vineyards enhance grape quality and efficiency, showcasing a successful model of agricultural transformation.