2024年10月13日在迪拜、约旦、卡塔尔和利雅得追踪的黄金价格;未提供详情。 Gold prices tracked in Dubai, Jordan, Qatar, and Riyadh on Oct 13, 2024; details not provided.
2024年10月13日报告了迪拜、约旦、卡塔尔和利雅得的黄金价格。 Gold prices in Dubai, Jordan, Qatar, and Riyadh were reported on October 13, 2024. 没有提供每个地点的具体价格细节,但文章重点介绍了正在跟踪的中东市场黄金价格。 Specific price details for each location were not provided, but the article highlights the ongoing tracking of gold prices across these Middle Eastern markets.