27岁的俄勒冈州司机因在交通停留期间贩运40磅冰毒而被捕。 27-year-old Oregon driver arrested for trafficking 40 lbs of crystal meth during traffic stop.
俄勒冈州警察在林县的5号州际公路上因交通违规而拦截了一辆车, 在后备箱中发现了40磅的水晶甲基胺. On October 8, Oregon State Police stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation on Interstate 5 in Linn County, leading to the discovery of 40 pounds of crystal methamphetamine in the trunk. 这名警官怀疑是贩毒活动,并使用K9小组进行侦查。 The officer suspected drug trafficking and utilized a K9 unit for detection. 司机27岁的Sheyla Jesmely Serrano Lopez来自加利福尼亚州Shafter, 被捕并被拘留。 The driver, 27-year-old Sheyla Jesmely Serrano Lopez from Shafter, California, was arrested and taken into custody.