42岁的Larry Jefferson Sr.因在阿肯色州德克萨斯卡纳发生国内纠纷期间绑架和枪杀其前女友而被捕。 42-year-old Larry Jefferson Sr. was arrested for kidnapping and shooting his ex-girlfriend in Texarkana, Arkansas during a domestic dispute.
10月10日,42岁的Larry Jefferson Sr.在阿肯色州德克萨卡纳被捕,据称他是在一场家庭纠纷中绑架和枪杀他的前女友的。 On October 10, Larry Jefferson Sr., 42, was arrested in Texarkana, Arkansas, for allegedly kidnapping and shooting at his ex-girlfriend during a domestic dispute. 在强迫她上车后,他用手枪威胁一个朋友。 After forcing her into a vehicle, he threatened a friend with a handgun. 受害者后来在机场附近安全地被发现,报告说Jefferson向她开枪。 The victim was later found safe near the airport, having reported that Jefferson fired shots at her. 他在一辆雪佛兰皮卡车上被捕,并被指控犯有多项罪行,包括绑架和严重袭击。 He was apprehended in a Chevrolet pickup truck and charged with multiple offenses, including kidnapping and aggravated assault.