24岁的前美国士兵桥因协助伊斯兰国而被判处14年徒刑。 24-year-old ex-US soldier Bridges sentenced to 14 years for aiding ISIS.
Cole Bridges是一名24岁的美国前陆军士兵,因试图帮助伊斯兰国攻击美国军队而被判处14年徒刑。 Cole Bridges, a 24-year-old former U.S. Army soldier, was sentenced to 14 years in prison for attempting to aid the Islamic State in targeting American troops. Bridges以提供物质支持和谋杀未遂罪认罪,与冒充ISIS支持者的FBI卧底特工进行联系。 Pleading guilty to providing material support and attempted murder, Bridges communicated with an undercover FBI agent posing as an IS supporter. 法官指出,他与伊斯兰国没有直接联系,有悔恨的迹象,因此减刑。 The judge noted his lack of direct contact with IS and signs of remorse, leading to a reduced sentence. 他还将面临10年的监禁后受监督释放。 He will also face 10 years of supervised release post-incarceration.