28岁的Alexander Ross于8月2日在英国被捕,持有500公斤可卡因;作为有组织犯罪集团的送信人认罪。 28-year-old Alexander Ross arrested in UK on Aug 2 with £500k of cocaine; pleaded guilty as a courier for an organized crime group.
Alexander Ross, 28岁, 8月2日在英国Southwaite附近被捕, 罪名是在一辆面包车里拥有价值50万英镑的可卡因。 Alexander Ross, 28, was arrested near Southwaite, UK, on August 2 for possessing £500,000 worth of cocaine in a van. 警方因罗斯的神经行为而拦截了这辆车,并发现了五个真空密封的包裹,纯度在56%至78%之间。 Police stopped the vehicle due to Ross's nervous behavior and discovered five vacuum-sealed packages with purity levels between 56% and 78%. Ross没有事先定罪,认罪并被确认为有组织犯罪集团的送信人。 Ross, with no prior convictions, pleaded guilty and was identified as a courier for an organized crime group. 法院强调了毒品犯罪的严重社会影响。 The court emphasized the serious societal impact of drug offenses.