美国WWE明星AJ Styles在比赛中脚筋扭伤, 停止了告别巡回赛计划. WWE star AJ Styles sustains mid-foot ligament sprain in a match, halting farewell tour plans.
美国WWE明星艾杰·斯泰尔斯在SmackDown对阵卡梅洛·海斯的比赛中受到了中脚带扭伤,导致比赛过早停止. WWE star AJ Styles sustained a mid-foot ligament sprain during a match on SmackDown against Carmelo Hayes, leading to the match's premature stoppage. 据报道,这次受伤停止了斯泰尔斯预期的故事情节,包括告别巡演或退休,等待 MRI 结果。 This injury, confirmed by reports, halts Styles' anticipated storyline involving a farewell tour or retirement, pending MRI results. 斯泰尔斯的回归仍不确定,因为球迷们正在等待关于伤病严重程度及其对WWE未来计划的影响的明确性. Styles' return remains uncertain, as fans await clarity on the injury's severity and its impact on his future plans within WWE.