拟议的Mushkegowuk NMCA旨在保护86 000平方公里的联邦水域和缓冲区,等待安大略批准。 Proposed Mushkegowuk NMCA aims to protect 86,000 sq km federal waters and a buffer zone, pending Ontario's approval.
拟议的詹姆斯湾海岸穆什凯戈武克国家海洋保护区旨在保护86 000平方公里联邦水域和20公里海岸缓冲区。 The proposed Mushkegowuk National Marine Conservation Area (NMCA) in the James Bay Coast aims to protect 86,000 square kilometers of federal waters and a 20-kilometer coastal buffer zone. 虽然联邦政府已批准保护联邦水域,但进展在安大略批准缓冲区之前停滞不前。 While the federal government has approved the conservation of federal waters, progress is stalled pending Ontario's approval of the buffer zone. 土著主导的倡议力求保护海洋生物,增加当地社区的就业机会,同时关注附近钻探活动对环境的影响。 The Indigenous-led initiative seeks to safeguard marine life and enhance job opportunities for local communities, amid concerns over environmental impacts from nearby drilling activities.