据报道, 纽约州韦恩县的一名居民在等待北极光时在安大略湖上看到多个不明飞行物. On October 5, a Wayne County, NY resident reported seeing multiple UFOs over Lake Ontario while waiting for the Northern Lights.
据报道, 纽约州韦恩县的一名居民在10月5日, 在等待北极光时, 在安大略湖上看到多个不寻常的飞行物体. On October 5, a Wayne County, New York resident reported seeing multiple unusual flying objects over Lake Ontario while waiting for the Northern Lights. 证人说,这些灯光在亮光和暗暗之间交替,形成三角形,互相旋转约15至20分钟。 The witness described the lights as alternating between bright and dim, forming a triangle shape, and circling each other for about 15 to 20 minutes. 观察者认为极光可能会吸引UFO, 与1997年城UFO观测相似. The observer suggested that auroras may attract UFOs, drawing parallels to the 1997 Phoenix UFO sightings. 该报告已提交国家UFO报告中心。 The report was submitted to the National UFO Reporting Center.