中国官方Li Shulei在北京第六届世界媒体峰会上呼吁国际媒体领袖报导中国为共同繁荣与发展进行的国际合作。 Chinese official Li Shulei called on international media leaders at Beijing's 6th World Media Summit to report on China's international collaborations for shared prosperity and development.
中华高级官员、中华中央委员会宣传部主任Li Shulei在北京第六届世界媒体峰会上会见了国际媒体领袖。 Li Shulei, a senior Chinese official and head of the CPC Central Committee's Publicity Department, met with international media leaders at the sixth World Media Summit in Beijing. 他强调了媒体在连接各国方面的作用,并敦促媒体报道中国为促进共同繁荣与发展而开展的国际合作。 He highlighted the media's role in connecting nations and urged outlets to report on China's international collaborations aimed at fostering common prosperity and development. 主要与会者包括TASS、半岛电视台和美联社。 Notable participants included TASS, Al Jazeera, and the Associated Press.