加拿大最高法院允许Galloway对UBC教授提起诽谤诉讼。 Supreme Court of Canada allows Galloway's defamation suit against UBC professors to proceed.
加拿大最高法院驳回了指控前不列颠哥伦比亚大学作家Steven Galloway教授犯有诽谤罪的个人提出的上诉。 The Supreme Court of Canada has dismissed an appeal from individuals who accused former University of British Columbia writing professor Steven Galloway of defamation. 这项裁决允许Galloway2018年就教授和其他人提出的虚假性攻击指控提起的诽谤诉讼进行审判。 This ruling permits Galloway's defamation lawsuit, filed in 2018 over false sexual assault allegations made by fellow professors and others, to proceed to trial. Galloway在被停职并随后被UBC解雇后,试图澄清他的姓名。 Galloway seeks to clear his name after being suspended and subsequently fired from UBC.