棕榈滩县学校在Milton飓风关闭期间向儿童提供免费膳食。 School District of Palm Beach County provides free meals to children during Hurricane Milton closure.
10月11日星期五, 棕榈滩县学校区正向18岁及以下儿童的28所学校提供免费膳食, The School District of Palm Beach County is providing free meals to children 18 and under at 28 schools on Friday, October 11, due to school closures from Hurricane Milton. 早餐和午餐从上午9时30分至10时30分可供取货。 父母或监护人可以在没有儿童在场的情况下收集食物,但必须提供儿童的身份证明。 Breakfast and lunch will be available for pickup from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Parents or guardians can collect meals without children present but must provide identification for the child. 这一举措确保了在关闭期间获得营养餐。 This initiative ensures access to nutritious meals during the closure.