2月,密西西比州议员Adrian Durr被控对戴手铐的黑人嫌疑人过度使用武力,侵犯了联邦公民权利。 Mississippi Deputy Adrian Durr charged with federal civil rights violation for excessive force against handcuffed Black suspect in February.
密西西比州议员Adrian Durr因被控于2月对一名戴手铐的嫌疑人过度使用武力而面临联邦指控。 Mississippi Deputy Adrian Durr faces federal charges for allegedly using excessive force against a handcuffed suspect in February. 据报道,他用泰瑟枪的把手击打这名男子,并踢他的头部,导致他失去知觉。 He reportedly struck the man with a Taser's handgrip and kicked him in the head, causing unconsciousness. Durr因法律色彩剥夺公民权利,如果被定罪,可能面临长达10年的监禁。 Charged with deprivation of civil rights under color of law, Durr could face up to ten years in prison if convicted. 副警长和受害者都是黑人 Both the deputy and the victim are Black. Durr的审判定于12月2日进行。 Durr's trial is scheduled for December 2.