喜剧演员John Mulaney于2025年初在Netflix上主办每周一次的现场各种谈话节目。 Comedian John Mulaney to host live weekly variety talk show on Netflix in early 2025.
喜剧演员John Mulaney将在Netflix上主办每周一次的现场访谈节目, 首演时间为2025年初。 Comedian John Mulaney is set to host a live weekly variety talk show on Netflix, premiering in early 2025. Netflix 的首席内容官贝拉·巴贾里亚 (Bela Bajaria) 宣布了该节目,该节目将由 Mulaney 的 Multiple Camera Productions 制作。 Netflix's chief content officer, Bela Bajaria, announced the show, which will be produced by Mulaney's Multiple Camera Productions. 穆兰尼的前几部Netflix项目取得成功,包括他在Netflix是笑话节期间的现场节目"Everybody's in L.A". This move follows the success of Mulaney's previous Netflix projects, including his live show "Everybody's in L.A." during the Netflix is a Joke Festival. 关于新节目的更多详情尚未披露。 Further details about the new show remain undisclosed.