BrewDog抛弃物 Punk IPA, 原因是其Ellon设施因工作人员卫生不良造成的污染。 BrewDog discards Punk IPA due to contamination at its Ellon facility, caused by staff hygiene failures.
苏格兰酒厂BrewDog因埃隆工厂的污染事件而丢弃了数百万英的Punk IPA. BrewDog, the Scottish brewery, has discarded millions of pounds of its Punk IPA due to a contamination incident at its Ellon facility. 首席供应链官 Chris Fielden 将问题归因于员工卫生不善,导致“酸啤酒”到达消费者手中并收到大量投诉。 Chief Supply Chain Officer Chris Fielden attributed the issue to staff hygiene failures, resulting in "sour beer" reaching consumers and numerous complaints. 尽管废物的规模影响到生产力目标,但BrewDog声称,污染量很小,没有健康风险,向不满意的客户发放退款。 Despite the scale of the waste affecting productivity targets, BrewDog claims the contaminated volume was minor and posed no health risk, issuing refunds to dissatisfied customers.