袭击者在巴基斯坦 NA-231 重新计票中纵火并偷走选票,加剧了 PPP 和 PTI 之间的紧张关系。 Assailants set fire to and stole ballot papers in Pakistan's NA-231 recount, escalating tensions between PPP and PTI.
在卡拉奇的巴基斯坦 NA-231 选区重新计票期间,蒙面袭击者点燃选票并偷走了其他选票,加剧了巴基斯坦人民党 (PPP) 和巴基斯坦 Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) 之间的紧张关系,他们互相指责。 During a vote recount for Pakistan's NA-231 constituency in Karachi, masked assailants set ballot papers on fire and stole others, escalating tensions between the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), who blamed each other. 巴基斯坦选举委员会停止重新计票一周,并批评其自身的安全措施。 The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) halted the recount for a week and criticized its own security measures. 信德省内政部长呼吁对袭击者采取行动,而ECP则要求立即追究责任。 The Sindh Home Minister called for action against the attackers, while the ECP seeks immediate accountability.