Arla Foods推出英国在伦敦北部首家免费牛奶自动取款机, Arla Foods launches UK's first free milk ATM in North London to improve dairy access for charities.
为了解决食品慈善机构的乳制品短缺问题, 阿拉食品在伦敦北部推出了英国首个免费牛奶ATM, Arla Foods has launched the UK's first free milk ATM in North London to address dairy scarcity in food charities, where approximately 450,000 people lack access to fresh dairy. 这一举措旨在通过与FareShare合作,向在储存方面挣扎的慈善机构提供库存齐全的冰箱,提高认识和改善供应情况。 This initiative aims to raise awareness and improve availability by partnering with FareShare to provide fully-stocked fridges to charities struggling with storage. 研究表明,许多慈善机构不能提供新鲜奶制品,尽管公众高度承认其饮食重要性。 Research shows many charities cannot offer fresh dairy, despite high public acknowledgment of its dietary importance.