20和17岁的嫌疑犯因偷窃西奥克兰零售商店而被捕,发现这些商店有被盗物品;调查仍在进行中。 20 and 17-year-old suspects arrested for west Auckland retail store theft, found with stolen items; investigations ongoing.
两名20岁和17岁的嫌疑人在西奥克兰一家零售商店被盗后被捕,四名蒙面人偷着夹克。 Two suspects, aged 20 and 17, were arrested after a theft at a west Auckland retail store where four masked individuals stole jackets. 他们乘坐一辆偷来的车辆逃离,后来在Massey被弃置。 They fled in a stolen vehicle, which was later abandoned in Massey. 公共援助导致警察找到嫌犯,发现他们身上有被盗物品。 Public assistance led police to the suspects, who were found with the stolen items. 这些人将出庭,调查正在进行之中,可能涉及可能购买被盗衣服的其他人。 The men are set to appear in court, and investigations are ongoing, potentially involving others who may have purchased the stolen clothing.