33 岁的迈克尔·怀特·雷霆 (Michael White Thunder) 在摩托车事故中发生争吵后头部受伤,在苏城被指控犯有二级谋杀罪。 33-year-old Michael White Thunder charged with 2nd-degree murder in Sioux City after argument preceded fatal head injury in motorcycle incident.
33 岁的迈克尔·怀特·雷霆 (Michael White Thunder) 在 65 岁的布雷特·西博尔德 (Bret Siebold) 死亡后被指控在苏城犯有二级谋杀罪。 Michael White Thunder, 33, has been charged with second-degree murder in Sioux City following the death of 65-year-old Bret Siebold. 最初报告为9月2日的摩托车事故,后来透露,事件发生前发生争吵,目击者说白雷向西伯德投掷物体,造成致命头部受伤。 Initially reported as a motorcycle accident on September 2, it was later revealed that an argument preceded the incident, with witnesses stating White Thunder threw an object at Siebold, causing a fatal head injury. 警察调查正在进行中,欢迎提供提示。 The police investigation is ongoing, and tips are welcome.