马修·施韦奇 (Matthew Schweich) 批评保护 SD Kids 运动涉嫌针对 IM29 的误导性广告,认为它们错误地暗示药物合法化并违反了 FCC 标准。 Matthew Schweich criticized Protecting SD Kids campaign for alleged misleading ads against IM29, arguing they falsely imply drug legalization and violate FCC standards.
南达科他州更好的大麻法创始人马修·施韦奇 (Matthew Schweich) 批评了“保护 SD 儿童”运动,称其针对旨在使娱乐性大麻合法化的第 29 号启动措施 (IM29) 的广告具有误导性。 Matthew Schweich, founder of South Dakota for Better Marijuana Laws, criticized the Protecting SD Kids campaign for what he calls misleading ads against Initiated Measure 29 (IM29), which seeks to legalize recreational marijuana. Schweich认为,广告错误地暗示IM29将硬性毒品合法化,可能违反公平竞争委员会的标准。 Schweich argues the ads falsely suggest IM29 legalizes hard drugs and may violate FCC standards. 反对者,包括保护SD儿童组织,以事实为他们的广告辩护。 Opponents, including Protecting SD Kids, defend their ads as factual. 反对派将在阿伯丁举办一个主要发言人论坛。 A forum featuring key speakers will be held by the opposition in Aberdeen.