埃及总统西西在阿斯马拉会见了厄立特里亚总统阿费沃基,以加强双边关系和讨论区域稳定。 Egyptian President El-Sisi meets Eritrean President Afwerki in Asmara to strengthen bilateral ties and discuss regional stability.
埃及总统阿卜杜勒·法塔赫·西西正在访问厄立特里亚阿斯马拉,会见伊萨亚斯·阿费沃基总统。 Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi is visiting Asmara, Eritrea, to meet with President Isaias Afwerki. 会议旨在加强双边关系,讨论非洲之角和红海的区域稳定与安全问题。 The meeting aims to enhance bilateral relations and discuss regional stability and security in the Horn of Africa and Red Sea. 这次访问突出表明,为了两国和广大区域的利益,努力促进合作与发展。 This visit underscores efforts to foster cooperation and development for the benefit of both nations and the broader region. 访问的意义仍然可以解释。 The significance of the visit remains open to interpretation.