加拿大政府推进可持续投资准则,目标是到2050年实现净零排放。 Canada's government advances sustainable guidelines for investment, targeting net-zero emissions by 2050.
加拿大政府正在推进可持续投资和公司气候披露准则,以吸引对减少排放项目的投资,这对于到2050年实现净零排放至关重要。 Canada's government is advancing guidelines for sustainable investing and corporate climate disclosures to attract investment for emissions-reducing projects, essential for achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. 财政部长Chrystia Freeland说,一个第三方组织将制定分类法,预期在一年内制定初步准则。 Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland stated a third-party organization will develop the taxonomy, with initial guidelines expected within a year. 大型联邦注册公司将面临新的披露要求,而小企业将免责。 Large federally incorporated companies will face new disclosure requirements, while small businesses will be exempt.