一名56岁的男子在南方的99号州道上遇难, 疑似醉酒驾驶的司机面临交通犯罪和醉酒驾驶指控. 56-year-old man killed in southbound State Route 99 crash, suspected DUI driver faces vehicular homicide and DUI charges.
星期一晚上,华盛顿Tukwila的99号州道南途发生致命事故,造成一名56岁男子死亡。 A fatal crash on southbound State Route 99 in Tukwila, Washington, occurred Monday night, resulting in the death of a 56-year-old man. 据报道,涉嫌酒后驾车的司机,24 岁的安东尼·威利斯 (Anthony Willis) 高速转向撞上受害者的汽车。 The suspected DUI driver, 24-year-old Anthony Willis, reportedly swerved into the victim's car at high speed. 两辆汽车被翻转,道路被关闭近7小时,以进行调查。 Both vehicles overturned, and the road was closed for nearly seven hours for investigation. Willis现在面临车辆杀人和酒后驾车的指控,等待国王县检察官办公室进一步审查。 Willis now faces charges of vehicular homicide and DUI, pending further review by the King County Prosecutor's Office.