人口基金执行主任赞扬印度在减贫、电气化和赋予妇女权力方面取得的进展。 UNFPA Executive Director praises India's progress in poverty reduction, electrification, and women's empowerment.
在人口基金执行主任Natalia Kanem最近访问印度期间,她赞扬该国在减贫、电气化和获得清洁饮水和卫生设施方面取得的成就。 During her recent visit to India, UNFPA Executive Director Natalia Kanem praised the country's achievements in poverty reduction, electrification, and access to clean water and sanitation. 她强调了印度在可持续发展和妇女赋权方面取得的进步,包括减少童婚和调整数字服务。 She highlighted India's advancements in sustainable development and women's empowerment, including the reduction of child marriages and the adaptation of digital services. Kanem承认印度致力于变革和妇女领导,这是人口基金与印度伙伴关系50周年。 Kanem acknowledged India's commitment to transformation and women's leadership, marking 50 years of UNFPA's partnership with India.