塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦捍卫了漫威对质量和内心的承诺,批评批评者,并对未来的项目表示乐观. Sebastian Stan defends Marvel's commitment to quality and heart, criticizes detractors, and expresses optimism for future projects.
塞巴斯蒂安·斯坦 (Sebastian Stan) 因在漫威电影宇宙 (MCU) 中饰演巴基·巴恩斯 (Bucky Barnes) 而闻名,他在接受 GQ UK 采访时为该系列辩护,强调其对质量和用心的承诺。 Sebastian Stan, known for his role as Bucky Barnes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), defended the franchise in a GQ UK interview, emphasizing its commitment to quality and heart. 他批评那些不提供建设性反馈而贬低Marvel的人,并指出,没有特许经营权将造成娱乐方面的重大空白。 He criticized those who disparage Marvel without offering constructive feedback and noted that the franchise's absence would create a significant void in entertainment. Stan对即将到来的“Turnderbolts”等项目保持乐观, 目的是恢复人们对Marvel成功的信心。 Stan remains optimistic about upcoming projects like "Thunderbolts," aiming to restore confidence in Marvel's success.