波特兰市议会批准对 Fitzpatrick 体育场进行 $800k 的翻新,供 Hearts of Pine 足球俱乐部 (HOP) 使用,其中包括去除新草皮和徽标。 Portland City Council approves $800k renovation of Fitzpatrick Stadium for Hearts of Pine Soccer Club (HOP) use, featuring new turf and logo removal.
波特兰市议会已批准对菲茨帕特里克体育场进行 800,000 美元的翻新工程,该体育场由 Hearts of Pine 足球俱乐部 (HOP) 资助,该俱乐部将于今年春天开始使用该体育场。 The Portland City Council has approved an $800,000 renovation of Fitzpatrick Stadium, funded by the Hearts of Pine Soccer Club (HOP), which will use the stadium starting this spring. 升级包括新地盘和去除波特兰斗牛犬标志。 Upgrades include new turf and removal of the Portland Bulldogs logo. 波特兰高中社区对运动季节可能出现的干扰仍然感到担忧. While HOP cites the need for these changes to meet professional standards, concerns from the Portland High School community persist regarding potential disruptions during their sports seasons.