Piers Morgan向Beyoncé和Jay-Z道歉, Piers Morgan apologized to Beyoncé and Jay-Z after reporting unsubstantiated claims on his show.
说唱歌手 Jaguar Wright 在他的节目“Piers Morgan Uncensored”中对这对夫妇提出了未经证实的指控后,皮尔斯·摩根 (Piers Morgan) 公开向碧昂斯和 Jay-Z 道歉。 Piers Morgan publicly apologized to Beyoncé and Jay-Z after rapper Jaguar Wright made unsubstantiated allegations about the couple during his show, "Piers Morgan Uncensored." 在夫妻双方的律师提出法律要求后,Morgan撤销了这些申诉,声称这些申诉是毫无根据的。 Following a legal request from the couple's lawyers, Morgan removed the claims, stating they were baseless. 他承认需要在法律上遵守法律,并对不允许这对夫妇有机会为自己辩护以抵挡指控表示遗憾。 He acknowledged the need for legal compliance and expressed regret for not allowing the couple a chance to defend themselves against the accusations.