密西西比警察James Jackson因拒绝酒后驾车 持有毒品而被捕 Mississippi police officer James Jackson arrested for DUI refusal, drug paraphernalia possession.
James Jackson是密西西比州Belzoni的一名警官,10月5日被捕,当时他在巡逻车内被发现昏迷不醒,手拿着一根冰毒管,手套箱里有大麻。 James Jackson, a police officer from Belzoni, Mississippi, was arrested on October 5 after being found unconscious in his patrol car with a meth pipe in hand and marijuana in the glove box. 他拒绝进行戒酒检查,并被指控持有毒品和酒后驾车。 He refused a sobriety test and faces charges for possession of drug paraphernalia and DUI refusal. Yazoo市警察局长Terry Gann证实了这一事件,Jackson后来获得保释。 The incident was confirmed by Yazoo City Police Chief Terry Gann, and Jackson has since been released on bond. 进一步细节尚待进一步说明。 Further details are pending.