从加拿大到澳大利亚缴获了 60 批甲基苯丙胺,共计 400 公斤冰毒和 1,300 升液体冰毒。 60 methamphetamine shipments seized from Canada to Australia, totaling 400 kg crystal meth and 1,300 liters liquid meth.
从 3 月到 8 月,加拿大边境官员在不列颠哥伦比亚省查获了 60 批运往澳大利亚的甲基苯丙胺,总计近 400 公斤冰毒和约 1,300 升液体冰毒。 From March to August, Canadian border officers in British Columbia seized 60 shipments of methamphetamine destined for Australia, totaling nearly 400 kilograms of crystal meth and about 1,300 liters of liquid meth. 最大的一次缉获发生在 6 月的 Fraser Surrey Dock。 The largest single seizure occurred in June at Fraser Surrey Dock. 冰毒在各种设施被截获,包括国际邮件中心,在 85 起事件中没收了 54 公斤冰毒。 Crystal meth was intercepted at various facilities, including the international mail center where 85 kilograms were confiscated in 54 incidents. 调查已移交给加拿大皇家骑警,与澳大利亚当局合作。 The investigation has been transferred to the RCMP, collaborating with Australian authorities.