劳伦斯县副警长史蒂文·柯蒂斯 (Steven Curtis) 因下班后酒后驾车被捕,击中邮箱,离开现场,被桑德斯警长解雇。 Lawrence County deputy sheriff Steven Curtis arrested for DUI off-duty, hit mailbox, left scene, fired by Sheriff Sanders.
Lawrence县副警长Steven Curtis 被捕 因为他在温斯顿郡下班时 在受影响下驾车 Lawrence County deputy sheriff Steven Curtis was arrested for driving under the influence while off-duty in Winston County. 他开着劳伦斯郡警长办公室的车 撞上邮箱后离开现场 He was operating a Lawrence County Sheriff's Office vehicle when he hit a mailbox and left the scene. 他被捕后,被Max Sanders警长解雇。 Following his arrest, he was fired by Sheriff Max Sanders. 柯蒂斯被关进温斯顿县监狱,第二天交了保释金,并在获释后收到了终止通知。 Curtis was booked into Winston County Jail, posted bond the next day, and received a termination notice upon release.